Capacity Building and Education Services
Dynamic learning solutions that engage, develop, and grow capability
Culmen International provides comprehensive professional support for your organization’s training and engagement requirements. Our multi-lingual, experienced subject matter experts come alongside customers to assess, plan, execute, and evaluate training, engagements and capacity building programs. Our skilled adult learning professionals tailor management, curriculum development, strategic planning, assessments, and other program logistics to your needs. Culmen’s coordination between government sponsors, partner nations, students, and schools ensure the right students/participants are identified for the correct training programs, then swiftly processed and vetted. Culmen’s learning and development experts build more effective and efficient operations through synchronized staff education, training, and knowledge management.
Culmen International provides subject matter expertise for education, assessments, advisory support, workshops, tabletop exercises, curriculum development and similar engagements for our clients. Our network of subject matter experts includes former senior military leaders and government officials as well as specialists in international environments and programs who bring expertise on topics including defense analysis, national security affairs, international legal and policy frameworks, cybersecurity, and defense resource management.
Our Learning and Development (L&D) Team utilizes all components of the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate (ADDIE) model for professional training. Culmen’s Instructional System Designers (ISD) lead curriculum consultancies, perform job task analysis, all to determine and identify specific customer needs. We develop, tailor, and review the curriculum of various training courses to ensure minimal overlap and maximum coverage across topic areas. Enlist our L&D expertise today, we can assist you with:
Curriculum development for in person and e-learning environments
Employee development programs and train the trainer instruction
ISD principles integration
Job/task analysis and course evaluation
Leadership development
Coaching and mentoring programs
Professional coaching
Training Delivery
e-Learning course development technology and management of systems
Organizational assessment professional/career development
Culmen has been implementing language programs for the U.S. Government since our founding in 2004. Our experience includes English and foreign language instruction and cultural immersion programs. The Culmen professionals who support educational programs come from a variety of ethnic and technical backgrounds, are adept with the subject matter of security studies, and excel at mitigating cultural and language barriers to prevent misunderstanding and miscommunication. Our work includes:
Language instruction to include English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, and other foreign languages to military officers at the advanced level
Customized training modules and workshops such as cultural and language immersion programs